Sunday was another Event day with a downpour of rain for a large part.
We pulled up at Plants That Grow hoping the rain would stop, off loaded into the empy greenhouse which was filling up with other sellers and set up.
Well the rain stayed with us and only let up now and again, but with some good music played by the local group Kegs and some new friends made, if you like olives or chutneys then watch out for the posting of their links in a day or so, the day was ok but exhausting.
The end of this week is the last of the events before Christmas. That doesn't mean no work mind! ohhh no!
Lots of paperwork still to do and some new packaging designs i have been working on to finalize, not forgetting some more new items and designs i have too.. Ahhh you will have to wait to find out about those :o)
Happy Crafting.