Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Time for some Fizzers.

I just love bombs and fizzers for my bath, I have really sensitive skin but all my products are fine for me to use, for some people that are more sensitive than me to colours and fragrances there is less choice.
It started with "Naturally Nettle", the new Traditional Soap, with no artificial colours or fragrances just the goodness from botanicals I was compelled to expand the range.
So for those who love Natural or are sensitive, here is the first of many in the Scents-Ability "Naturally Range" of Bath & Body products.

Naturally Rosemary and Lavender 
Handmade Bath Fizzers
Relax in the Natural fragrance from botanicals of Rosemary and Lavender. 

And for those who just love all bath goodies......
Rose and Lavender 
Handmade Bath Fizzers
Relaxing florals of Rose and Lavender.

Lookout for more new products being added to the website store.